File talk:Flag Officers and Belgian Royalty.jpg

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I am guessing that the tompions depict Queen Elizabeth and that this is taken aboard that ship?
I notice they have trained the A (Y?) turret jauntily aside to create a better composition. How Beattyfic.
Also, may I just add that Phillimore rules?[Citation needed]

Tone 23:54, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

It's presumably the quarterdeck of Queen Elizabeth. There's another photo of Beatty beneath the guns somewhere with the same tompions showing. I just got Charles Beatty's Our Admiral yesterday. Oh how glorious it is to read proof that Beatty was technically a bastard! That's going in Wikipedia later today. Phillimore certainly rules the Grand Fleet aircraft at any rate. -Simon Harley 09:54, 10 September 2009 (UTC)