Training Receiver

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A Training Receiver is a F.T.P. instrument mounted near a trainer's (or turret director trainer's) position which receives and indicates (usually by several red pointers) an angle of training transmitted by a director. The operator then works his controls to train the gun mount to bring the black pointers into alignment with the red.

A training receiver was required in each gun mounting or turret which would be fired under control of a director. Similarly, each separate gun generally required an elevation receiver to guide its gunlayer in matching the director.

Various Examples


British training receivers actually contained 2 receivers, as they were usually provided indication of the desired training angle through two circuits: a training circuit and a slewing circuit which supported much faster rates of training to find a target. The training receiver then might include a mechanism to correct the training angle for convergence in training to counter the distance between this gun mounting and the firing ship's datum point (the operator would enter the range to the target by a hand-wheel to permit this correction to be applied).

The British Director Firing Handbook from 1917 documents the following types:

  • Turret Type (Single Dial)
  • Turret Type (Double Dial)
  • Small Type (for mountings 9.2-inch and below)

The receivers used for flotilla leaders and destroyers were 2-dial instruments with convergence correction. These were also adapted to use as searchlight bearing receivers [1].

  • Pattern 20 (10 inch Spiral)
  • Pattern 21 (6 inch Spiral)


The German director system must have had training receivers. I will see what I find and add to this section.

See Also


  1. Director Firing for Destroyers and Flotilla Leaders
