Tony Lovell (often just "tone") administers The Dreadnought Project and specialises in fire control and technical aspects of the ships, illustrating his knowledge in the form of a 3D interactive simulation — 3D modelers and game developers are invited to assist.
Tony is an American residing in Boston. You can email him.
Current Projects
3D Simulation
I am now focusing on my 3D naval simulation project, With the Fleet. If you are a coder or a 3D artist and would like to help me, please email me as tone@(this website's domain name). The project is based on Unity3D, with coding in C#.
This Wiki
When I get a little O.C.D., I work on the Wiki. Often, this means reading Service Records for lesser personalities of the period, and adding to the lists of captains for the ships.
Here is a list Service Records I want from the TNA (list updated March 2018). Nudge, nudge, Simon!
I am not doing so much with it lately, but visit If you play cello, flute, violin or viola and live near Cape Cod, drop me a line!
Past Projects
Morse Code Communication via Mobile Devices
While working as Entrepreneur in Residence at Orange PLC, I created a Java applet and a mobile app (for the Danger Hiptop) that allowed the user to participate in hybrid Morse Code/text chats. I circulated a memo which illustrated the idea of developing a dedicated handheld device for such a throwback communication medium.
Semaphore-based Communication via Mobile Devices
Later, I followed that work up with an even more outlandish demo, in which a user can encode text by striking semaphore signalling poses.
See Also