10cm L50 Gun (AH)

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Each gun had six crew: A gun commander, a support, a gunner, an 'attachment' man, and two munitions handlers.

10 cm L/50 K10
Construction Cast Steel
Manufacturer Skodawerke AG, Pilsen
Introduced 1910
Weight with mount 2,120 kg
Elevation range -4° to 14°
Muzzle Velocity 880 m/sec
Range 11,000 m at 14° elevation
Shell weight 13.75 kg
Propellant 6.2 kg Gunpowder M/97f
Casing Weight 5.8 kg

10 cm L/50 K11
Construction Cast Steel
Manufacturer Skodawerke AG, Pilsen
Introduced 1911
Weight with mount 2,020 kg
Weight with shield 7,240 kg
Elevation range -4° to 18°
Muzzle Velocity 880 m/sec
Range 11,000 m at 14° elevation
Shell weight 13.75 kg
Propellant 6.6 kg Gunpowder M
Cartridge Weight 26.2 kg