H.M.S. Canada at the Battle of Jutland
Report of Proceedings
H.M.S. "Canada,"
2nd June 1916.
IN compliance with your signal 1835 of 1st instant, I have the honour to report as follows:—
2. On 31st May at 5.10 p.m., the Fleet steaming S.E. by S. in organization 5 disposed to Starboard, the signal was made for Light Cruisers to take up position for approach. At 6.6 p.m. the Fleet altered course to S.E., the Battle Cruisers being then before the Starboard beam engaging the enemy heavily. At 6.10 the signal was made to 3rd and 8th Flotillas: "Take up position for approach."
3. At 6.15 formed Line of Battle, S.E. by E., speed being then 18 knots.
At 6.22 three Armoured Cruisers, probably 2nd Cruiser Squadron, were abaft our starboard beam, steaming in a N.N.W. direction, when one of them blew up.
At 6.38 "Canada" fired two salvoes at German Ship, which had apparently suffered heavily, and was much obscured by smoke and the splash of other ships' fire. Object extremely indistinct. Neither of these salvoes were seen to fall for certain.
At 6.45 ceased firing.
About 7.15 engaged destroyers about a point before the beam. These turned away, using smoke screen.
4. At 7.20 fired four salvoes at battleship or battle-cruiser on starboard beam, very indistinct, probably "Kaiser" class. Range of first salvo was 13,000 yards, which was very short. Third and fourth salvoes appeared to straddle, but conditions were such as to make it impossible to be certain. This ship then disappeared in dense smoke, probably a smoke screen.
5. At 7.25 signal was made to turn 2 points away from enemy, followed 2 minutes later by a second 2 points.
At 7.25 engaged destroyers attacking abaft starboard beam with our 6-inch. Broadside was divided between left-hand or leading boat and the right-hand boat. At 7.30 fired three salvoes of 14-in. on leading attacking destroyer abaft starboard beam. Third salvo appeared to hit. This destroyer vanished in smoke and is believed to have sunk. The right-hand destroyer was also straddled by 6-in. and was lost sight of.
From 7.20 to 7.25 "Canada" appeared (from direction) to be fired at by a battleship of "Kaiser" class, or the "Derfflinger," on starboard quarter. Shots fell a long way short.
7.35, ceased firing.
7.40, signal was made: "Single Line ahead, course S.W."
6. H.M.S. "Canada" was not struck during the action, and there are, therefore, no casualties to report.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
The Vice Admiral Commanding Captain.
Fourth Battle Squadron.[1]
Rounds Fired
Canada expended forty-two rounds of 14-inch ammunition at Jutland,[2] and one hundred and nine rounds of 6-inch ammunition.[3]
- Admiralty (1920). Battle of Jutland 30th May to 1st June 1916: Official Despatches with Appendices. Cmd. 1068. London: His Majesty's Stationary Office.
- Campbell, N.J.M. (2000). Jutland: An Analysis of the Fighting. New York: The Lyons Press. ISBN 1-55821-759-2. (on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk).