Hammill Papers at the National Maritime Museum

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A list of papers of Captain Tynte F. Hammill in the possession of the National Maritime Museum.


Not stated.


Record of telegrammes sent and received during Hammill's work on the Nile with notes on the steamers and crews Apr-Aug 1885.


Orders to Capt Hammill during the expedition, signed by Vice-Adm Hay, C-in-C, and Capt Boardman May 1884-July 1885, also a report by Capt Hammill on the navigation of the Nile by steamers 1885 and a newspaper cutting report on the Nile Expedition September 1885, see printed catalogue for more details.


Printed reports by Hammill with maps and charts concerning navigation of the Nile and an account of the passage of the cataracts by the Nile steamers NASSIF-KHEIR and GIZEHI 1884-85, see printed catalogue for more details.


Court martials on the stranding of HMS HOWE of Capt Hastings, Cdr Dickson and Adm Fairfax 1892-93, biographical sketch of Adm Fairfax n.d. and obituary notes of Capt Hammill Jul 1894.


Track chart of HMS WELLESLEY while on the North American and West Indian station, designed by Mid J B Telfer Mar 1850.

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