Robert Bonar Roberts

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Lieutenant R.N.R. Robert Bonar Roberts, D.S.C., R.N.R. ( – ) served in the Royal Naval Reserve.

Life & Career

After about two years of service in the sweeping sloop Larkspur, Roberts was promoted to the rank of temporary Lieutenant R.N.R. on 6 April, 1917. He would then become the one and only captain of the minesweeper Belvoir, and would provide over four years service in mine sweeping service, for which he would be awarded a D.S.C..

Demobilised on 8 November 1919, Roberts was noted as having "take[n] greatest pos pride in his ship".

See Also


Naval Appointments
Preceded by
New Command
Captain of H.M.S. Belvoir
Apr, 1917[1] – 24 Oct, 1919
Succeeded by
Vessel Sold


  1. The Navy List. (November, 1919). p. 739.