Admiralty Volunteer Committee

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The Admiralty Volunteer Committee was the body charged with the administration of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve between 1903 and 1920.

Naval Members

Dates of appointment given:


  1. Return, for the Year ended 31st March 1903, of the Army and Navy Officers Permitted, Under Rule 2 of the Regulations drawn up under Section 6 of the "Superannuation Act, 1887," to hold Civil Employment of Profit under Public Departments. pp. 38-39.
  2. Halsey Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/43. f. 234.
  3. Pelly Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 483.
  4. The Navy List. (March, 1914). p. 107-108.


  • Return, for the Year ended 31st March 1903, of the Army and Navy Officers Permitted, Under Rule 2 of the Regulations drawn up under Section 6 of the "Superannuation Act, 1887," to hold Civil Employment of Profit under Public Departments. H.C. 316, 1903.