Category:Torpedo (US)

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This article is a start at cataloguing the American torpedoes as I have done for the British.


In 1914 (1918?), the Americans enumerated their present torpedoes as follows:[1]

Type Mark Len Diam Knots Range
Gun Cotton
Firing Weight
Howell I 11ft 1.75in obsolete
Whitehead I,II,III 3.55m 45cm obsolete
I mod 1 5.00m 27.5 1,000 1350 220 1161 I mod 1
II 5.00m 27.5 1,500 1500 132 1220 I mod 1
III 3.55m 20.0 800 2250 132 II mod 2
Bliss-Leavitt IV 5.00m 30.0 2,000 2250 138 1547 IV mod 3
IV mod 1 5.00m 29.0 3,000 2250 200 1547 II mod 2
Whitehead V 5.20m 27/40 4,000/1,000 2100 200 1452 I mod 2
V mod 1 29/40
V mod 2-3
V mod 4 29/41 2150 I mod 3
Bliss-Leavitt VI 30 3,000 2250 200 1536 VI
VII 32 4,000 1540 VII
I mod 2 5.00m 21-in 26 3,500 180 1900 IV
II mod 1 1900 V mod 1
III 26-28 318 1928 V mod 2
VIII 21ft 26-28 300 10,000 VIII
IX 5.00m 27 200 7,000 VIII

As late as August-September 1919, the Bliss torpedo factory was still producing twelve after-bodies per day, but the matching air vessel stocks were 300 units behind owing to difficulties in the Bethlehem Steel supplier. At the time of the Armistice, there were 3,000 torpedoes on order, with just 600 eventually cancelled.[2]




See Also


  1. US Navy. The Ship and Gun Drills, 1914, p. 146.
  2. Annual Report of the Torpedo School, 1919. p. 88.

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