Arthur John Payne

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Lieutenant Arthur John Payne, (17 January, 1872 – 13 October, 1904) served in the Royal Navy.

Life & Career

The son of Reverend Dr. Payne, retired of the Royal Naval Hospital Plymouth.

Payne was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant on 30 June, 1894.

On 5 April, 1900 he was sentenced by Court Martial aboard Resolution to be severely reprimanded and to forfeit two years' seniority. He was sent to the masted turret ship Monarch on the Cape of Good Hope Station, where he remained from May 1900 to May 1903. During this time, he failed to take adequate precaution that a Court-Martialed A.B. David Hall was prevented from striking a superior officer. Nonetheless, he secured the very high recommendation of the ship's captain Foot and Commander-in-Chief A. W. Moore for an appointment in command of a ship.

Payne was appointed to the third class protected cruiser Tauranga as first and gunnery officer in September 1903. He drowned while serving in her on 13 October, 1904.

See Also


Naval Appointments
Preceded by
John C. Watson
Captain of H.M.S. Seal
18 Sep, 1899[1] – 1 Mar, 1900
Succeeded by
Victor G. Gurner


  1. The Navy List. (February, 1900). p. 297.