Fourth D.F. (Royal Navy) at the Battle of Jutland

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The Fourth Destroyer Flotilla screened the Grand Fleet in the battle and sustained heavy losses in the night action, losing 5 of 19 ships when it met elements of the High Sea Fleet unexpectedly at short range.

The flotilla was represented in the battle as follows:[1][2]

They fired a total of fifteen torpedoes, claiming seven hits.[3]

The reports from the battle have been scanned from the Jutland Official Despatches, and may still contain a few O.C.R. errors.


A Stoker First Class from Tipperary was picked up by the light cruiser Dublin in the night. He offered the following account of her loss.[4]

I was at work in No. 3 Stokehold, and at about 11.0 p.m.
(31st May 1916) I learnt that we were in action with German
Torpedo Craft. We had been in action about of an hour
when the Bridge caught fire from shells.
The vessel kept afloat for some time after this, going down
about break of day, 112 hours or 2 hours after being hit.
When abandoning the ship the Motor Boat was tried, the
only boat left, but sank as soon as it touched water.
Some men had previously got away on a small raft, and
about 17 men got on to the larger raft. I saw neither of these
" Tipperary " plunged suddenly, going down by the Bows.
I saw no other survivors while in the water.
Stoker 1st Class.


On 3 June, Broke's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[5]

3rd June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to report as follows regarding the
proceedings of H.M.S. " Broke," from 9.15 p.m. 31st May to
5.0 p.m. 3rd June 1916.
2. At 9.15 p.m., 31st May, the 4th Flotilla was in L.T. 2
formation ahead of " King George V." Course South, 17 knots.
3. At 9.50 Flotilla turned 16 Points and took station 5 Miles
astern of Battle Fleet, passing through the lines.
4. At 10.6 resumed Course South, 17 knots. " Broke's "
half Flotilla joining astern of " Tipperary's " by signal.
5. From about 10.30 intermittent heavy firing was observed
on the Starboard Bow, and a signal was intercepted " D. XI to
C. in C. Have been engaged by enemy destroyers."
6. At about 1040 a large explosion as of a Ship blowing up
was observed S. by E. Shortly afterwards I observed two ships
on the Starboard side of " Tipperary " make the correct reply
to the "Challenge." I thought they were two of our cruisers
but was not certain. I then observed, certainly, one of our
Armoured Cruisers pass ahead on our Port Side.
7. Soon afterwards, about 11.0 p.m., three cruisers, rather
before the Starboard Beam, standing about S.S.W., switched
searchlights on " Tipperary " and leading destroyers and opened
fire ; " Tipperary " was observed to burst into flame. " Broke,"
not having been illuminated, turned to Port and fired Starboard
After Torpedo Tube at the rear Cruiser. The results of this shot
is unknown. " Broke " swung as far as S.E. and then resumed
her course South, no destroyers at that time being visible
8. About 5 minutes later (11.30 p.m.) a large Ship was sighted
about two points before " Broke's " Starboard Beam standing
about S.S.W. I gave the order to challenge, but immediately
the stranger challenged by a green light system, followed by
switching on searchlights and opening fire. The order was given
to fire the remaining Starboard Tube, full speed ahead both, and
fire was opened by " Broke," and after a slight pause for the
firing of the Torpedo I gave the order Hard a Starboard. The
No. 1 of the Tube has since reported that his sights never came
on, of which I was unaware at the time, and did not know that
the Torpedo had not been fired.
9. Almost immediately after turning to Port a Destroyer
(" Sparrowhawk ") was sighted on the Port side. I then gave
the order Hard a Port ; not getting any reply the Navigating
Officer went down to the Lower Bridge and found all hands
killed and the Helm jammed hard a starboard. I, in the mean-
time, had given the order full steam astern. The Port Telegraph
moved one revolution but the Starboard Telegraph and Wheel
were completely jammed, having been put out of action at the
second or third round.
10. The Ship then struck " Sparrowhawk " on her Starboard
Bow abreast the bridge. Owing to damage to No. 1 Stokehold
and large escape of steam no communication could be established
with the Engine Room for a considerable time. The Engineer
Lieutenant Commander coming on deck and being informed that
the fore part of the Ship and all Officers had gone, stopped the
11. I told the 1st Lieutenant to go aft and stop the engines.
He reported that be could not get aft, but subsequently managed
to, and was shortly followed by the Lieutenant (N) and myself.
The after steering position was connected and the engines put
to astern to clear " Sparrowhawk."
12. The condition of neither ship was accurately known, but
I considered " Sparrowhawk," not having been under fire, was
in the better condition of the two.
13. The Enemy Ship ceased fire and was not again seen
after the collision, but during the short time of engagement
accounted for heavy casualties and damage to forward Stokehold,
Guns' crews and Bridge.
14. At Midnight course was shaped North at slow speed,
three enemy ships being subsequently sighted and passed without
apparently noticing " Broke."
15. At about 1.15 a.m., 1st June, two destroyers closed
" Broke," the leader making a Challenge which appeared to
commence with letter " K." " Broke " made challenge and was
answered by a Searchlight and fire by the leading destroyer
about 2 cables distant on port quarter. " Broke " turned away
firing Port after Gun, the only one immediately available, owing
to casualties and difficulty of communication with the fore part
of the Ship. No Searchlight was available.
16. After about half a dozen rounds, 2 striking the ship
amidships, the destroyers sheered off, " Broke " turning back to
the Northward. Course was then shaped up the North Sea as
far as state of wind and sea permitting.
17. " Broke " passed through 57.45 N., 4. 0 E, 58.20 N., 1.10 E.
with the intention of making Cromarty or Scapa, but at 4.0 a.m.,
2nd June, owing to a strong N.W. Breeze springing up it was
found necessary to keep away to South, and subsequently, as
the wind permitted, course was altered to the Westward and
Tyne being made at 5.0 p.m., June 3rd.
18. W/T Communication was established with " Marvel " on
the night of 1st-2nd June, but owing to Main W/T being out
of action, was soon lost, the subsequent alteration of course to
the Southward (due to N.W. wind and Sea) could not therefore
be reported.
19. All forward Mess Decks and Storerooms were flooded
owing to the collision and effect of shell fire. The three forward
boilers were put out of action, the forward stokehold leaking con-
siderably. There was no damage at all abaft the after funnel.
20. " Broke's " casualties, lists of which are forwarded,
amounted to :- 42 Killed, 6 Missing, 14 severely wounded,
20 slightly wounded. Total, 82.
21. Some time after clearing " Sparrowhawk," 23 of her
ratings, 5 of which were wounded, were discovered on " Broke's "
forecastle, some of these stating that they had been thrown off
the fore bridge.
22. I would mention that at about 10.30 p.m. on 31st May,
the Ship appeared to pass over some submerged object, a
considerable shock being distinctly felt both on the Bridge and
in the Engine Room.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

The Commander in Chief,

Grand Fleet.

On 8 June, an additional report followed.[6]

8th June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to submit the following addition to
my report, dated 3rd June, on the proceedings of H.M.S. " Broke "
on the night of 31st May-1st June.
This addition is the result of careful investigation and sifting
of evidence of members of the Ship's Company stationed aft,
whom I was unable to properly interview before.

Paragraph 7.

It is not certain whether there were two or three cruisers
attacking "Tipperary."
Leading Seaman Belsey (who fired the Torpedo),
Electrical Artificer Weeks,
Stoker P.O. Sleight (Fire Brigade),
and Stoker Jackson,
reliable men who were in good positions to see, are all of them
quite clear and convinced on the following points:-
(1) There were 2 Cruisers, the rear one, only burning
searchlights, the van one doing most of the firing.
(2) They saw or heard the After Torpedo fired,
watched it as far as possible, saw the explosion against
a 3 straight-funnelled ship, apparently a cruiser. Stoker
P. O . Sleight described the funnels in detail, and particularly
the bands such as are evident in the photographs " Braun-
schweig " and " Bremen " classes, on pages 127, 135
"Jane's Fighting Ships, 1915."
On the other hand, the No. 2 of this tube saw no explosion.
The Torpedo Gunner's Mate at the forward tube did not
consider the opportunity sufficiently favourable to justify a shot,
and therefore did not fire.
The training of the forward tube was 10 Degrees Before;
that of the after tube abeam. This would account for the after
tube having more time.

Paragraph 8.

The T.G.M. at the forward tube having previously adjusted
the Director by order, for " similar courses," considered the
enemy to be standing in the opposite direction, and altered his
Director accordingly, and consequently lost what would otherwise
have been a possible shot.
A considerable amount of latitude is allowed to the Nos. 1
of the tubes, on account of their scattered positions, distance
from the bridge, and unreliable means of communication.
The ship that engaged the " Broke " was a 2 funnelled ship,
and cranes were observed.
The reason why I reported previously that it was not considered
that " Broke " had seriously damaged an enemy ship, was as
follows :—
On the return passage I had too much to attend to, to
interrogate others than officers ; and the Gunner, though he
informed me that some people thought that the torpedo had
hit, did so in such a manner as to lead me to believe that the
evidence was of little value.

Details on recommendation, personnel &c. omitted from the Report
as reproduced in the
Official Despatches.

I regret that this report is so late, but the pressure of work
connected with the ship prevented me completing a thorough
investigation earlier.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

The Commander-in-Chief,

H.M. Ships and Vessels,

Grand Fleet.


On 3 June, Achates's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[7]

3rd June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to forward an account of " Achates' "
part in the action on the night of Wednesday, 31st May.
Orders having been received, shortly after 10 p.m., for
4th Flotilla to take station 5 miles astern of the Battle Squadron,
single line ahead in the following order was assumed at about
10.50 p.m. :-- 1st Half Flot. : " Tipperary ," " Spitfire," " Sparrow-
hawk," " Garland " and " Contest " followed by 2nd Half
Flot. : " Broke," " Achates," " Ambuscade," " Ardent,"
" Fortune," " Porpoise " and " Unity."
Our course was then South, speed 18 knots. Position (approx.)
at 11.15 : Lat. 55° 48' N., Long. 6° 23' E.
At approx. 11.30 p.m., heavy firing was observed on our starbd.
bow and directed towards the head of our line, and shortly
afterwards the " Tipperary " was observed to haul out of the
line to starboard, badly hit and burning furiously. Shortly after
this the " Broke " hauled out of the line, apparently hit and
not under control, and " Achates," narrowly avoiding collision
with her, endeavoured to join up with 1st Half Flotilla. Firing
at this time was general in the enemy's line on our starbd. bow
and beam and the range close, the order to fire was passed to
the tubes as sights came on. I subsequently cancelled the order
to fire torpedoes being under the impression that our Cruisers
were engaging the enemy between us and the enemy's line and
fearing that my torpedoes would cross the line of our own ships.
I respectfully submit that in future the maximum amount of
information may be given to destroyers as to the disposition of
our own forces, observing the difficulty of recognition by night.
At approx. midnight the " Achates " and " Ambuscade " were
chased by enemy's cruisers to the Eastward, and failing to cross
ahead of the enemy's line (Enemy's course appeared to be S.E.),
I worked round to the North and eventually West and South
passing in rear of their line and endeavouring to join Commo-
dore (F).
I lost touch with " Ambuscade " about 12.30 a.m. and
continued to search until 5 a.m., when I intercepted a signal
from " Porpoise " that he required assistance, and I endeavoured
to join him. " Porpoise " was eventually joined by " Garland,"
and as I was by this time running short of fuel, I proceeded to
Rosyth, arriving there at 4 a.m., 2nd June, and after fuelling
returned to this base arriving at 9 p.m., 2nd June.
I wish to bring to your notice the excellent manner in which
all destroyers of my division were handled during the day and
night action on the 31st, and I am of the opinion that the
Commanding Officer of " Ambuscade " in particular, who was
more immediately under my notice, by skilful handling, brought
his ship undamaged out of action.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

Captain (D.),

4th Flotilla


On 3 June, Spitfire's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[8]

No. 0017/2.
Grand Fleet.

"Castor," Commodore (F).
6th June 1916.
H.M.S. "SPITFIRE," 3rd June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to report that I observed the following
damage to enemy ships on night of 31st May, between 11.0 and
11.40 p.m.
1. " Spitfire " torpedoed a 4-funnelled cruiser, class not
determinable, but she had 4 very tall funnels. She was observed
to heel over immediately on being struck and appeared to be
in a sinking condition.
2. " Spitfire " was rammed by and rammed (port bow to port
bow) a cruiser of " Freya, " class (presumably). 20 feet of her
skin plating from upper deck to below scuttles is now in "Spitfire."
3. A battle-cruiser of " Moltke " type passed close astern
of "Spitfire" at about the same time. She was going very
fast, but appeared to be on fire between her funnels and on her
fore mess deck, but there was no flame—only smoke.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
C. TRELAWNY,Lieut.-Comdr,
The S.O.,.

4th Flotilla.

Another report followed on 4 June.[9]

HMS "Spitfire,"
4 June 1916.

I HAVE the honour to report the proceedings of H.M. ship
under my command in action with the enemy on the night of
31st May. The charts, notebooks, &c., in use at the time were
unfortunately lost or destroyed, so it is impossible to state times
and positions accurately.
2. The formation of the 4th Flotilla at dusk was L.T. 1 ahead
of Battle Fleet. At dusk Flotilla was ordered to take station
astern, and the formation at about 9.30 p.m. was single line
ahead, course South, speed 17 knots.
" Tipperary " was leading followed by 1st division—" Spit-
fire," " Sparrowhawk," " Garland," " Contest " 2nd division—
" Achates, " Ambuscade," " Ardent," " Fortune," " Broke "
and 2nd half Flotilla.
The position at this time was, to the best of my recollection,
about 50 miles N.N.W. of Hom's Riff. The exact formation of
the Fleet was not known.
3. During the movements denoted in paragraph 2 enemy
T.B.D.s and submarines were reported and fired at by "Garland,"
"Contest," and "Fortune." These were not seen from " Tip-
perary " apparently, but I believe I saw the T.B.D. which
" Garland " fired at, but as course was being altered at the time
I lost sight of her.
4. Shortly after 9.30 p.m. heavy firing was observed S.W.,
apparently an enemy torpedo attack. Firing lasted some con-
siderable time and then died away.
5. About 10.45 p.m. enemy cruisers came up from the star-
board quarter (N.W.). These were reported from, I believe,
" Garland " by W/T, and at the same time they opened fire
from starboard beam at "Tipperary," who also opened fire
practically at the same moment.
I fired my after torpedo at the 2nd ship in the line which was
a cruiser with four tall funnels. The torpedo struck her between
the 2nd funnel and mainmast. She appeared to catch fire fore
and aft simultaneously and heeled right over to starboard and
undoubtedly sank.
The 2nd torpedo was fired a few seconds later than the first,
but I do not know its effect as I turned away immediately.
Meanwhile " Tipperary " had received the full force of the
enemies' fire and was ablaze forward, her forebridge and super-
structure burning fiercely.
I fired a number of rounds at the enemy to try and distract
their concentration on " Tipperary," and then turned away
after 2nd torpedo had gone, to reload.
6. Course till turning away was South, and after that West,
till I very soon got close to our next flotilla. Switched on fighting
and navigation lights for a few seconds and turned to South again.
Then having as I hoped given sufficient time to reload, I turned
back to attack an enemy cruiser who had her searchlight on
" Tipperary." Unfortunately the torpedo davit was struck in
three places and the gunner, T.G.M. and L.T.O. all wounded,
which prevented the last torpedo being got into its tube. I
fired a few rounds at the enemy searchlight which went out, and
then closed "Tipperary," but immediately came in sight of
two enemy cruisers close to, steering to South-Eastward. The
nearer or more Southern one altered course to ram me apparently.
I therefore put my helm hard-a-port and the two ships rammed
each other, port bow to port bow. Those aft noted that the
enemy cruiser had 3 funnels with a red band on each. The
funnels were similar in appearance to those of H.M.S. "Canada,"
though, of course, not so large. She also had a crane each side
amidships similar to " Triumph's." I consider I must have
considerably damaged this cruiser as 20 feet of her side plating
(14-in. F.) was left on my forecastle. The plating was an upper
strake, the top part having part of the gutter way and deck plating
adhering to it, and the lower part had some side scuttle holes.
By the thickness of the coat's paint (3/32-in.) she would not
appear to have been a very new ship.
The effect of the collision on " Spitfire ", was to completely
demolish the bridge and searchlight platform, and the mast
and foremost funnel were brought down, whaler, dinghy, and
davits torn away. The cruiser also fired a large calibre gun
at point-blank range, the projectile passing through the starboard
bridge screens without exploding. Another projectile of the
same calibre (probably 8-in.) passed through the bottom of the
2nd funnel from port fore side to starboard after side, grazing
the top of the boiler, but fortunately without exploding. This
may have been at a different time, or just before colliding.
The forecastle was torn open from stem to abreast the galley
above water, and from stem to the 2nd bulkhead below water.
On the fore mess deck no side plating was left from stem to as
far as the capstan engine from deck level to tops of lockers.
Some water got into the store rooms between 2nd and 3rd bulk-
heads, but the 3rd bulkhead (foreside of No. 1 oil tank) held well,
and there was never any water in fore magazines or shell-rooms
or on lower mess deck. Of those on the bridge, 3 were killed and
3 severely wounded. I myself was only slightly hurt. One
of FX gun's crew was lost overboard.
7. Just after getting clear of this cruiser an enemy battle
cruiser grazed past our stern at a high speed, and I think she must
have intended to ram us. She was steering about N.W. and
was emitting large volumes of smoke amidships. From her
appearance she was either of the " Moltke " type and on fire
amidships, or else a 3-funnelled battle cruiser with the centre
funnel shot away. Lights were flickering underneath her fore-
castle as if she was on fire forward.
8. The extent of the damage to " Spitfire " seemed so great
and the possibility of steaming for long at any speed so small
that I decided not to endeavour to rejoin the fleet, but to make
for port.
Meanwhile, until I had extricated myself from the wreckage
forward the 1st lieutenant had taken charge, and having noted
the course to be N.W. just before the collision he steered from
aft and continued on that course.
At this period I considered it advisable to throw overboard
the steel chest and despatch box of confidential and secret books.
When I again took charge I found fires on forebridge and at base
of midship funnel being extinguished by the engineer officer,
C.E.R.A. and C.P.O. Smith, and others, the majority of the
ordinary fire party having been wounded.
Having found ship was making no water forward aft of the
damage and that 3 boilers were still in use, I shaped course and
speed to make the least water and the most progress towards
the land. The wind and sea got up considerably and at one
period the wind suddenly shifted 8 points, so that I was unable
to make the Tyne until noon on June 2nd—the mutual ram-
ming having occurred about 11.40 p.m. on 31st May.
9. Ship was docked in Middle Dock on June 3rd and the
crew sent on leave with the exception of a small care and mainte-
nance party. It is understood that the Captain Superintendent
will make arrangements as to their relief.

Details on recommendation, personnel &c. omitted from the Report
as reproduced in the
Official Despatches.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

The Captain (D.),

4th Flotilla,

H.M.S. " Hecla."


On 3 June, Unity's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[10]

SIR, 3rd June 1916,
I HAVE the honour to report the part taken by H.M.S.
" Unity " in the night action on 31st May-1st June and
subsequent proceedings :—
At about 10 p.m. on 31st May, when in company with
4th Flotilla, station was taken 5 miles astern of Battle Fleet,
Course South, speed 18 knots. " Unity " was the last ship in
the line of 12 destroyers.
At 10.45 p.m. observed three enemy destroyers approaching
on the starboard quarter ; the leading boat fired a torpedo and
immediately altered course away. I avoided the torpedo by
going full speed and turning towards it, using full helm.
At 11.30 p.m. sighted two enemy destroyers on starbd. beam ;
fire was opened on them and they turned away.
About the same time " Tipperary " and leading destroyers
of our line appeared to be in action with large ships. I observed
the destroyers ahead alter course to port on a S.Ely course,
and therefore increased speed to get into position for a torpedo
About midnight I realised I was following a strange British
Flotilla, and having lost sight of my own, decided to remain with
At 1 a.m., 1st June, course was altered to S.W. by the. leading
T.B.D. and speed increased to 28 knots. No large vessels were
seen at any time which I could have attacked.
At daylight I found myself in company with " Lydiard " and
10 destroyers of the 9th and 13th Flotillas. I parted company
at 5.45 a.m. to look for the fleet as the other destroyers were
apparently returning to their base to oil. At 7.45 a.m. I
searched for " Achates," but as I could not find her, and being
short of oil, decided to make for Aberdeen to complete.
Arrived Aberdeen at 10 p.m., 1st June, and proceeded at
3 a.m., 2nd June, after oiling, to make further search for the
Fleet, in the event of being required for screening duty.
Owing to bad weather, returned at 5 p.m., 2nd June, to
Aberdeen for further instructions.
I sailed again at 6 a.m., 3rd June, and returned to the
Northern Base.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
A. M. Lecky,

The Captain "D,"

4th Destroyer Flotilla.


On 3 June, Ambuscade's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[11]

H.M.S. "AMBUSCADE," 3rd June.
I HAVE the honour to forward the account of " Ambuscade's "
part in the night action between the 4th Flotilla and
the enemy's Battle Fleet on the night of 31st May.
The flotilla was in single line ahead, the 1st half under
" Tipperary " leading, followed by " Broke," " Achates," " Ambuscade,"
" Ardent," " Fortune," " Porpoise " and " Unity,"
steering South, five miles astern of the second Battle Squadron.
At 11.30 p.m. enemy cruisers were observed on the starboard
bow steering South-east at high speed. " Tipperary " drew
enemy's fire, and was passed about 5 cables on starboard beam,
apparently in a sinking condition.
I attacked with 2 torpedoes, and from a violent explosion
shortly afterwards, consider a hit may have been obtained. It
is believed " Fortune " was sunk about this time. I then hauled
off to the Eastward, following " Achates," eventually turning
At about 11.55 p.m. we encountered enemy's Battle Fleet
steering South East. The third torpedo was fired at ships whose
fire was concentrated on " Ardent." A red flash was observed
at water line between searchlights of centre ship, and these
momentarily went out, giving the possibility of a bit, observing
that, though improbable, " Ardent " may also have been able
to fire. The " Ardent " was not seen after this.
All torpedoes were now discharged, and by smoke screen, and
continual alteration of helm, I got away to the Eastward, and
failing to keep in touch with the " Achates," turned North, and
eventually South, joining Commodore (F) at 3.0 a.m. on
June 1st.
The enemy's fire and working of searchlights was extremely
accurate, while their use of star shells rendered a surprise torpedo
attack almost impossible.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Lieut. Commander.


On 3 June, Ardent's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland from a hospital ship.[12]

M.F.A. "China," - Hospital Ship No. VI, 3rd June 1916.

I REGRET to report the loss through enemy gunfire of
H.M.S. " Ardent " at about 12.30 a.m. (G.M.Z) June 1st.
Single line ahead was formed astern of the Battle Fleet after
dark on 31st May. As far as I could judge, the line " Ardent "
was in consisted of : " Achates," " Ambuscade," " Ardent,"
" Fortune," and several other Torpedo Boat Destroyers in rear,
Course South, speed 17 knots. " Tipperary's " line appeared to
be well out to the Starboard of us.
2. Various other ships were seen dimly and much firing going
on, on either side until just after midnight, when fourlarge ships
appeared closing in on our Starboard hand, Course about S. by E.
The leader challenged by switching on and off several groups of
Green and Red lamps. Almost immediately they switched on
Searchlights, picked up " Fortune " and opened fire. " For-
tune " was hit at once. I altered to Starboard and endeavoured
to assist " Fortune," and from a very favourable position from
about 2,000 yards on her port beam fired a torpedo at the leading
enemy's ship, which undoubtedly scored a hit, the explosion was
seen, and the enemy ship's foremost searchlights went off and
she turned to Starboard. The second Ship in the line then
fixed her searchlights and opened fire on " Ardent," so I increased
speed and turned away to Port. I could see the " Fortune "
badly hit, on fire, and apparently sinking, but still firing her
guns in a most gallant manner at her big adversary.
A few minutes after this I altered course to South to try to
pick up " Ambuscade." steered for what I thought was her
smoke, to find I was rapidly closing four large German Ships
crossing my bows from Starboard to Port, course about N.N.E.
at a high speed. It was too late to get away, so I attacked
immediately and fired a torpedo from a favourable position at
the leader, I could not see if it hit, as at once a most devastating
fire was poured in on the " Ardent" from the two leading Ships,
who both had their searchlights on us. This bombardment
continued for about five minutes when the enemy ceased fire
and switched off, after which period the Ship was a total wreck,
and appeared to be sinking. I then sank the Secret books, etc.,
and went aft to try and make a Raft, all our boats, Carley floats,
Sze. being smashed to bits. At this moment the enemy
recommenced firing from point blank range, I gave the order
"save yourselves," and about forty survivors jumped into the
sea, with no support beyond lifebelts, waistcoats, &c., and
shortly after the Ship sunk with her colours flying.
I was in the water about five hours before being picked up
by " Marksman," and regret that up to date have heard of no
more survivors. It is perhaps unnecessary for me to add that
the Officers and Ship's company of the " Ardent " behaved
according to the highest traditions of the British Navy. All
Ranks and Ratings fought the Ship until every gun was out of
action with the utmost determination. -
When all did their duty it is impossible for me to name any
individual for special recommendation.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Lieut. Commander, H.M.S. "Ardent.".

The Captain (D),Fourth Flotilla

H.M.S. " Hecla."


On 5 June, Sparrowhawk's captain reported on the loss of his ship in the Battle of Jutland.[13]

H.M.S. " Onslaught,"
5th June.
I HAVE the honour to report the proceedings and loss of
H.M.S. " Sparrowhawk " on night and morning of 31st May-
1st June.
After dark on 31st, the flotilla was in following order :
" Tipperary," " Spitfire," " Sparrowhawk " and remainder of
4th Flotilla in company with Captain (D) in single line ahead,
Course South, 17 knots, 5 miles astern of 2nd B.S.
About 11.30 vessels were sighted on the Starboard quarter
overtaking the flotilla and apparently steering the same Course,
except that the leading ship had 3 funnels, they could not be
distinguished, the night, though light, being hazy.
When the leading Ship was abreast of " Tipperary," she
switched on her searchlights and immediately opened fire, at
the same time showing recognition signals of red and green
lights. I ordered torpedoes to be fired at 3rd Ship in the line;
one torpedo was fired, the estimated range being inside
1,000 yards, and it is thought a hit may have been obtained as
an explosion was observed by men aft. The " Tipperary " was
now well on fire; next ahead could not be seen. I hauled
out of line to port, the enemy about this time putting out his
searchlights. I found " Broke " just clear of the line, and not
seeing any other destroyers, took station astern of her. Within
a few minutes fire was opened on " Broke " from the Starboard
bow and she altering course to port, I altered at the same ti
to avoid turning in her wake. The enemy then ceased fire.
" Broke " appeared to be steadied on a course about East.
A destroyer was then sighted on Port Bow, steering across my
bows, and to give her more room, I ordered port 10°, but ship
had hardly started to swing, when " Broke " was observed
to be turning to port very rapidly, helm was put hard a starboard,
,but but before ship this had any effect, " Broke " hit " Sparrowhawk "
just before forebridge, cutting halfway into the ship and locking
the 2 ships together ; whilst in this position, a destroyer, name
unknown, rammed " Sparrowhawk " in the stern, cutting off
about 5 feet and ramming rudder hard a port.
The 2 ships now drifted apart and endeavour was made, by
working screws, to make to the westward but progress was very
About 2 a.m. a three funnelled German Cruiser, apparently
" Mainz " class, was seen to sink.
Survivors of " Tipperary " were picked up about 3 a.m.
" Dublin " and " Marksman " were sighted about 4 a.m.,
and in accordance with orders of Captain of " Marksman,"
the Ship having been prepared for towing, officers and men
were taken on board " Marksman," and endeavour was made
to tow " Sparrowhawk " stern first, but owing to resistance
caused by stern being off and helm hard-a-port, wire parted,
and in accordance with orders from V.A., 1st B.S. " Sparrow-
hawk " was sunk by gunfire All Confidential Books and
documents were burned with the exception of General Signal
Book Standard and Service Call Signs, which were brought
back, and the Vocabulary Signal Book, which was in
use in W/T office at the time of collision and could not be found
afterwards, as VT/T office was badly wrecked, it may have gone
over board then, or been thrown in a corner which could not be

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Lt. Comder.

The Captain (D),

4th Flotilla.

On 14 June, a second report to Jellicoe amplified the claim of the sinking of an enemy cruiser.[14]

Chewton Lodge,
IN accordance with orders from the Admiralty I have
Hthis day forwarded by express delivery to Admiralty preliminary
report of sinking of enemy's cruiser on morning of 1st June, for
arepetition by telegram to Commander-in-Chief, and I beg to
confirm this report by letter.
In the early morning of 1st June " Sparrowhawk " was lying,
disabled in practically the same position she was in at midnight,
when she was 5 miles astern of 2nd Battle Squadron. Position
cannot be given by Latitude and Longitude as charts and other
documents were either destroyed or went down in the ship.
About 3 a.m. a vessel was sighted bearing East about
2 miles, steaming slowly North, after being in sight for about
10 minutes she gradually healed over and sank bows first. Ship
had 3 high funnels equally spaced with little or no rake, 2 masts
on which I thought I could make out searchlight platforms and,
as far as I could see, a straight stem, but details were difficult
to make out owing to mist. I considered her to be a German
cruiser of " Augsburg " or similar class.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

The Commander-in-Chief,

Grand Fleet.


On 3 June, Rear-Admiral Stuart Nicholson reported on survivors of the Shark from the Battle of Jutland.[15]

Office of Rear-Admiral Commanding,
East Coast of England,
Immingham Dock, Grimsby.
No. 6961W. 962.
3rd June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to report the following survivors of
H.M.S. " Shark " were picked up by the Danish S.S. " Vidar "
about 10.0 p.m. on Wednesday the 31st May, about 70 miles
from the Danish coast:—

  • William Charles Richard Griffin, Petty Officer 1st class, official

number 201404—Portsmouth.

  • Joseph Owen Glendower Howell, A.B., official number 230192—

Charles Filleul, Stoker Petty Officer—Portsmouth.
Charles Cleeberg Hope, A.B., S.G., official number 238376—
Charles Smith, A.B., S.T., official number J. 13416—Portsmouth.
Thomas Walton Swan, A.B., Portsmouth.
(The two marked * are in naval hospital in Hull, suffering
from wounds and shock, the remainder are in R.N. Depot,
Immingham, and will be sent to Portsmouth Barracks on
3rd June.)
2. The survivors state that they were in company with
the following vessels :—" Acasta," " Ophelia," " Contest " or
" Christopher " or " Cockatrice," and at 8 p.m. they engaged
a four-funnel German cruiser. " Shark " fired one torpedo at
her, which Charles Smith, who was stationed at the after tube,
states that he saw bit the cruiser and explode, and he further
states that the ship stopped and seemed to be on fire.
3. At this time " Invincible," " Indomitable " and " Inflex-
ible " were from two to four cables on the starboard beam.
They also fired at the German cruiser.
4. About 6.15 the ship eased down and stopped owing to
the pipes to the oil suctions having been damaged. The fore
steering gear was also put out of action at this time and shortly
afterwards was shot away altogether.
5. Two enemy destroyers now attacked " Shark," who had
been left behind by the other vessels. One of them was driven
off by gunfire from the midship gun (the only gun left in action),
and the second was also hit, but succeeded in firing two torpedoes
at " Shark " from a range of about 1,500 to 1,800 yards, one
of which hit " Shark " abreast the after funnel. The enemy
destroyers were painted light grey.
6. " Shark " took a heavy list and sank almost immediately.
This was about 7 p.m.
7. Stoker Petty Officer Filleul reports that before the ship
was torpedoed the Captain gave orders for all men not engaged
at the guns to lie down on the deck. He states that " Shark "
at this time was between the opposing Battle Fleets and that
shrapnel was being fired at them. This is confirmed by the
fact that the two wounded men are suffering from shrapnel
wounds—not severe.
8. The boats were all riddled and useless, but two Carley
Floats floated off and 14 or 15 men got into each.
9. While they were in the water about ten or more enemy
battle cruisers or battleships passed about 5 miles off, followed
by a large number of our battle ships within a mile who were
engaging the enemy heavily. A lot of enemy shells were falling
" over " our ships.
10. The water was very cold and the survivors gradually
succumbed until at about 10 p.m., when they were picked up,
only seven were alive. The seventh, Chief Stoker (Pensioner)
Francis Newcombe, O. No. 155192 died after getting on board
S.S. " Vidar," and his body was taken to Hull. The survivors
were treated very well by the Captain and crew of the " Vidar."
11 . The Captain of the " Vidar " told the survivors that
a little while before he picked them up he saw what looked like
the bow of a big German Man-of-War standing out of the water ;
the draft marks were in metres.
12. After being picked up they passed a large (presumably
German) Man-of-War heavily on fire.
13. The following information relative to the officers of
" Shark " has been given :—
The Captain, Commander Loftus Jones, had his left leg
shot away before the vessel sank, and although he had a life-
belt cannot have survived long.
Sub-Lieutenant P. H. G. I. Vance was killed before the ship
Midshipman Thomas Smith, R.N.R., was seen after the
ship was torpedoed, but not at all in the water.
No definite information can be given as regards the other
14. It is considered that the men mentioned in paragraph 1
are the sole survivors.
It is submitted that the kind action of the Master of the
Danish S.S " Vidar " (now at Hull) should be suitably recognised.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
Rear-Admiral Commanding,

East Coast of England. The Secretary,

of the Admiralty.

An additional report from Shark's torpedo coxswain followed in late July.[16]

No.-9531W. 962.
Subject.- H.M.S. "Shark." Report by Torpedo Coxswain.
The Secretary of the Admiralty.

29th July 1916.

With reference to my submission No. 896/W. 962 of 3rd June
1916, the attached report of William Charles Richard Griffin,
P. O . 1st Class, Official Number, 201404, late Torpedo Coxswain of
H.M.S. "Shark," is submitted.
He was the senior of the ratings saved from H.M.S. " Shark,"
but was not interviewed at the time of writing my previous letter
as he was in hospital.
2. This Petty Officer has now practically recovered. Able
Seaman Howell, the other survivor from H.M.S. "Shark," who
was sent to hospital in Hull, will probably not be fit to travel
for six to eight weeks.

Rear-Admiral Commanding,
East Coast of England.

I, Wm. GRIFFIN, Torpedo Coxswain, will endeavour to
give you the information to the best of my knowledge of the
action and sinking of the H.M.S. "Shark." We were in company
with the Battle Cruisers " Invincible," &c., also four destroyers
(including the " Shark "); during the day 31st of May we were
told by the Captain that we would probably meet the enemy.
During the afternoon, about 3 o'clock, I should say, the report
of the enemy was sighted, which was in great number, and action
stations was rung on the alarm bell. We then proceeded at a
speed of 25 knots. The signal was made open fire, in which we
altered course to Port, the course being N.E., the Starboard guns
being used. Again we altered course to Port, the course being N.,
it was then that our steering was hit, I report steering gear gone,
Sir, which the captain gave orders to me to man the after wheel,
it was then that I got wounded in the head and over the right
eye, we then went to Starboard making use of our guns on the
Port side, this was when the Forecastle gun's crew were com-
pletely blown away, gun and all ; about this time the " Acasta "
arrived, and the captain of the " Acasta " asked if he could
assist us, and the captain replied don't get sunk over us, we then
with our steering gear and engines out of action, she was helpless
and with only one gun firing which was the midship gun, and
the captain came off the bridge and spotted for the midship gun,
during that time he gave me orders for the boats and rafts to
be lowered and got out, but the boats was useless, he also
gave orders for the collision mat to bn got out, which was done;
all this time the enemy's Light Cruisers and destroyers were
constantly shelling us ; several of the enemy destroyers came
very close to us in line formation, the range being about 600 yards,
we were still firing our only gun, by this time the gun's crew
consisted of three men, the Midshipman, T. Smith, R.N.R.,
J. Howell, A.B., Gunlayer II., and C. Hope, A.B. The captain
was then wounded slightly in the leg, but he managed to control
the gun, myself remaining there for orders from the captain.
I must say that during the first part of the action the foremost and
after torpedo were fired, and the spare torpedo was just hoisted
up in line with the tube when a shell hit the air chamber and
exploded. We were about half an hour in action when our engines
stopped, she was battered about by shell, and began to settle
down at the bows. At this time the gunlayer, J. Howell, A.B.,
was wounded in the left leg, it was about a minute afterward,
the captain had his leg shot away, the shell not exploding.
C. Hope, A.B., left the gun and assisted the captain, doing what
he could to it. It was about five minutes afterwards that the
ship sunk. Captain gave orders to save yourselves, the two rafts
were filled up (the third raft could not be got out owing to shell
fire), and as time went on the men began to gradually die away
with exposure, the water being very cold. While we were in
the water we saw a number of our ships and destroyers pass us
at full speed chasing the enemy. At 10 o'clock (old time) we
were picked up by the Danish steamer, S.S. " Vidar," bound for
Hull, there was seven of us, one, Ch. Sto. Newcombe, who died
on board. Nearly everyone on board wore lifebelts or life-
saving collars, which proved a great success, and the rafts were
also of great service to us, carrying about twelve. This is the
best account I can give.
Your obedient Servant,
Torpedo Coxswain,
Late H.M.S. " Shark,"


On 3 June, Acasta's captain telegraphed a report on the Battle of Jutland.[17]

From — S.N.O. Aberdeen
To — R . A . Longhope.
Date— 3rd June, 1916.
For " Hecla." Considered that torpedo hit leading Enemy's
Battle Cruiser at 6.14 p.m. (G.M.T.).
Explosion seen, unable to assess damage caused by gunshot.
" Acasta." (1630.)

3rd June 1016.

I HAVE the honour to forward the following report of action
on 31st May.
In company with " Shark," " Ophelia " and " Christopher "
screening 3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron.
5.50. Steering N.W. in line ahead on port quarter of Battle
Cruiser Squadron. Enemy Light Cruisers and De-
stroyers sighted ahead, opened fire at 5,000 yards.
Enemy course Westerly.
6. 0 (approximately). Altered course to East.
6. 5. Enemy turned 16 points.
6.10. Division altered to port and " Shark " stopped, so I
returned to " Shark's " assistance as she was badly
hit. While doing so " Acasta " was holed forward
and aft.
6.12 to 6.18. Fired foremost tube at leading enemy battle
Cruiser which apparently hit as explosion was observed
by independent witnesses—range, 4,500 approximately.
" Acasta " was badly hit in engine room, which burst
several steam pipes and caused five casualties, one of
whom was Engineer-Lieutenant J. Forrest, and engine-
room had to be evacuated. Steering gear was shot
away and I was unable to steer or stop the engines
until 6.30.
Ship was under extremely heavy fire from enemy Light
Cruisers and destroyers and a Battle Cruiser from
6.5 to 6.25.
The moral of the ship's company was excellent.
At 9.0 p.m. a Cruiser, apparently German, was observed heavily
on fire to the S.W. and subsequently seen again after
2 a.m.
At noon, 1st June, " Nonsuch " took me in tow until 2.30 p.m.,
2nd June; his assistance was invaluable as I had no
oil left and met heavy weather.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

Captain (D),

4th Flotilla.


On 3 June, Porpoise's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[18]

3rd June.


I HAVE the honour to report the following :—
The various phases of the action and actions can be better
ascertained from large ship accounts up to 9.47 p.m. 31st, when
4th Flotilla was steering N. and N.N.E. 18 knots in 2 columns—
" Tipperary," " Spitfire," " Sparrowhawk," and " Garland,"
" Contest," to starboard ; " Broke," 2nd division, " Porpoise "
and "Unity." Course, South, 18 knots.
At 10.54. D 4 ordered 2nd half flotilla to take station astern
of 1st half flotilla, at same time " Porpoise " and " Unity
reported enemy destroyers astern, steering east.
About midnight, actions were going on all round us, chiefly
to westward. An enemy armoured cruiser came up abaft the
starboard beam, challenged, opened fire on " Fortune " and
"Porpoise." " Fortune " was at once hit badly. I had to star-
board my helm to clear her and was hit by an 8-in, projectile
which hit base of the after funnel, killed one man at midship
gun, stunning gun's crew, killing the L.T.O. at Foremost tube,
wounding No. 2. The air chamber of spare torpedo exploded,
blowing the deck in and bending and bursting main steam pipe.
The forebridge wheel and telegraphs having gone, I went aft,
and from the top of E.R. hatch got the helm to starboard from
its being 10° to port. H.M.S. " Fortune " was lying between
" Porpoise " and the enemy, emitting clouds of smoke and
steam, both ships being shelled, but enemy searchlights being
somewhat screened by " Fortune's " smoke and steam. We
connected after steering position and telegraphs and got ship's
head N. by W., steaming about 100 revolutions, but losing water
rapidly, so stopped main engines with Fin. in boiler gauge glasses
and ton in R.F.W.T. We plugged exhaust pipe and ran down
Nos. 3 and 4 boilers to R.F.W.T. and eventually got under way,
gradually working up from 100 revs. to 145 revs, in the course
of the day and following night.
Fell in with H.M.S. " Garland ". and " Contest " in Lat.
56.40 N., 3.50 E. at -11 a.m. who escorted " Porpoise " to the
Tyne. H.M.S. " Contest " having a broken stem, H.M.S.
" Garland " (Lieut.-Comdr. Goff) took " Porpoise " alongside and
took her up the River Tyne in a most seamanlike manner.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,


On 2 June, Garland's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[19]

2nd June 1916.
I BEG to forward the following report of my proceedings
on the night of 31st May–lst June :—
P. M .
9. 2. Sighted 4 German T.B.D.'s, ship was in the midst of a
16 pt. turn at the time. Germans closed and showed
recognition lights. Then red lights vertical. I at
once opened fire on them. The two leaders turned,
fired a torpedo each and made off at full speed to
westward. The torpedoes missed me astern. I at once
reported German T.B.D.'s presence to Captain " D."
10.35. Sighted a German Cruiser of " Graudenz " class hearing
W., course S., estimated speed, 17 knots. This was
reported to Captain " D."
11.25. A line of German ships appeared on starboard beam of
flotilla, on a slightly converging course and opened
fire on Destroyers. We returned their fire.
11.28. Being in a favourable position, I turned and fired
torpedo from after tube at a 3 funnelled Cruiser, the
third ship in enemy's line. Torpedo was seen to
explode abreast of Cruiser's mainmast, but as I was
thereafter engaged in avoiding collision with other
Destroyers, I did not see if vessel sank and was unable
to find her again later.
11.40. Closed " Tipperary," whose fore part was burning
previously, in order to render her assistance ; but as
soon as I eased down close astern of her, two enemy
cruisers steamed across her bows at close range and
opened fire on both of us, so I had to leave her and
was chased away to eastward.
11.55 . Joined up with " Achates," " Fortune " and " Porpoise."
12. 0. Sighted a line of German Battleships on stbd. bow,
steering south.
Leading Battleship switched on recognition lights
and then searchlights and opened fire on us.
12. 5. Turned to port and fired torpedo from fore tube at
leading ship, which appeared to be one of the
" Deutschland " class. Range about 800 yards. Tor-
pedo hit and was seen to explode abreast of the two
foremost funnels, ship was seen to take on a heavy
list to port, but whether she sank or not I was unable
to ascertain as I was chased to the N.E.
I was unable, after this, to again find remainder
of flotilla, but later, fell in with " Contest," who
could only steam 20 knots. We with sighted several German
T.B.D.'s, who all made off at full speed on seeing us.
 2.25. Sighted four German T.B.D.'s heading S.S.E. at full
speed. Altered course to cross their bows and opened
fire at about 5,000 yards. Germans at first began to
turn on to a parallel course and returned our fire, and
then thought better of it and turned away. At least
one shot was seen to take effect on the stern of one
German T.B.D.
As there was now no possibility of finding rest of
Flotilla, I shaped course for Tyne, with " Contest," and
later searched for and found " Porpoise," both of
whom I escorted to the Tyne.
With the exception of one boat, which was hit by
a 6-in, shell, no damage was sustained and no

Details on recommendation, personnel &c. omitted from the Report
as reproduced in the
Official Despatches.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

The Captain " D,"

4th Destroyer Flotilla.


On 3 June, Ophelia's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[20]

3rd June 1916.
I HAVE the honour to report that H.M.S. " Ophelia, " was
in action on May 31st.
H.M.S. " Ophelia " left Scapa in company with KM. Ships
" Shark," " Acasta," and " Christopher," " Shark " being Senior
Officer, on May 30th at 9 p.m. to screen 3rd Battle Cruiser
About 6 p.m. May 31st a German Light Cruiser and about
ten T.B.D.'s were sighted off port bow. "Shark," followed by
" Acasta " " Ophelia," and " Christopher," altered course to
engage them. The Enemy were steaming in a Nly. direction
and we were steaming in a Wiy. direction.
About 6.15 p.m. " Shark " altered course 16 points to port
and at the time was being heavily fired on by enemy's light
cruiser, I altered course before arriving in " Shark'a " wake so
as to avoid enemy's fire.
Shortly after altering course " Shark " was put out of action,
and I retired towards our light cruisers under the enemy's
superior fire, continually altering course to avoid enemy's salvoes.
The enemy soon altered course to the Southward and I
proceeded at full speed to attack enemy's Battle Cruiser, and
at 6.29 p.m. fired torpedo at about 8,000 yards, afterwards
proceeding to join Light Cruisers.
Some few minutes after firing torpedo an upheaval of water
was observed by enemy's port quarter.
Subsequently I rejoined 3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron.
There were no casualties and damage to ship was immaterial.
I consider great credit is due to Eng. Lieut.-Comdr. George
D. Campbell and C.E.R.A. Jesse Wadham for the way the Ship
steamed at high speed.
This being the first time under way except for passage from
Sunderland to Scapa.
No Torpedo or Gunnery Practices have been carried out by
" Ophelia," and crew of " Hardy " have not yet turned over
to her.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,


On 2 June, Christopher's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[21]

2nd June 1916.

In accordance with orders received, H.M.S. " Christopher "
left Scapa at 8.50 p.m. on the 30th May, forming screen for
3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron.
At 5.45 p.m. on the 31st May, being then in position on port
quarter of 3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron, steering North, the
enemy were sighted on the port bow, consisting of three light
cruisers (three funnels) and a destroyer flotilla with a Flotilla
Cruiser. The division then attacked destroyer flotilla, coming
under heavy fire from light cruisers and destroyer flotilla, and
shortly afterwards from three Battle Cruisers. The division
then turned sixteen points to regain position ahead of
3rd Battle Cruiser Squadron. Thirty rounds were fired, but the
range was about 10,000 yards and visibility low and no direct
hits could be observed. The enemy destroyers turned away,
" Christopher " and " Ophelia " then took station ahead of
Battle Cruisers. Only one opportunity of firing a torpedo at the
leading Battle Cruiser occurred, but range was then masked by
light cruisers. H.M.S. " Christopher " again came under fire at
8.30 p.m. from three Battle Cruisers while screening engaged side
of Battle Cruisers (" New Zealand "). No damage was sustained
and no casualties occurred. H.M.S. " Christopher " remained
screening 1st Battle Cruiser Squadron, and no further action
took place.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,


On 2 June, Owl's captain reported on the Battle of Jutland.[22]

H.M.S. " Owl,"
Sat, June 2nd.
I HAVE the honour to report in accordance with
Commodore F.'s signal, that at 9.30 a.m. on June 1st, in about
Lat. 56' 11' N., Long. 6" 10' E. " Owl " passed wreckage and
the bows of 'a torpedo craft, about 6 feet floating stem up.
It looked as if she had been rammed and cut in two and that
her fore part floated. It is thought this was a German craft
as there was no ring in bows for the towing wire as fitted in
our Boats, also several lifebuoys painted red were observed.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,

Captain " D."

See Also


  1. Naval Operations. Volume III. p. 432.
  2. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 44.
  3. Grand Fleet Gunnery and Torpedo Orders. p. 35.
  4. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 183.
  5. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 322-324.
  6. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 324-326.
  7. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 308-9.
  8. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 306.
  9. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 328-31.
  10. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 312-13.
  11. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 309-10.
  12. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 310-11.
  13. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 320-21.
  14. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 322.
  15. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 317-8.
  16. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 319-20.
  17. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 307-08.
  18. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 311-12.
  19. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 314-15.
  20. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 315-6.
  21. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. pp. 313-14.
  22. Battle of Jutland Official Despatches. p. 316.
